Privacy Policy

Handling of Personal Information

  1. Official Filing Company. (hereinafter “OFC”) shall appropriately manage and protect the customers’ personal information, in accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” of Japan and related other laws and regulations.
  2. OFC will handle personal information within the range of purpose of use specified to customers. In addition, we will not disclose or provide personal information provided by customers to third parties unless there is consent of customers or there is a justifiable reason.
  3. OFC will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and strive to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss of personal information, destruction, falsification and leakage.
  4. OFC will respond in good faith and promptly to requests for inquiries, disclosure concerning personal information from customers.

1. Obtaining Personal Information and Purpose of Use

  • OFC shall acquire the customers’ personal information through appropriate and fair means and use it for the purposes below
  1. To provide services/products, to send services/products or services/products information
  2. To respond to inquiries
  3. To conduct questionnaires relating to products, services, various events, campaigns, and such, to conduct sales analysis, investigations and research; to develop new services and products
  4. To provide/contact recruitment information etc. to recruit applicants
  5. Other purposes permitted by customers themselves

2. Management and Protection of Personal Information

  • OFC shall appropriately manage and protect the customers’ personal information, in accordance with “Basic Policies on Information Security and the Protection of Personal Information.”

3. Provision of Personal Data to a Third Party

  • OFC shall not disclose or provide the customers’ personal data to a third party, except in cases described below. The provision of personal information to service providers and the joint use of personal information shall be implemented in accordance with Articles 4. and 5. below.
  1. Cases in which the customer personally gives his/her consent
  2. Cases in which the provision of personal data is based on laws
  3. Cases in which the provision of personal data is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  4. Cases in which the provision of personal data is specially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
  5. Cases in which the handling of personal data is delegated to third party to the extent necessary for attaining purpose of use
  6. Cases in which the business succession takes place due to merger, corporate division, business transfer or other reasons

Contact for Inquiries

If you have any inquiries regarding “Handling of Personal Information by OFC”, please send your letter or e-mail to the following address.

Official Filing Company

4F Shibaura SEC bldg.,

3-13-3 Shibaura, Minato-ku

Tokyo 108-0023, JAPAN